Croatian foundry association

Croatian Foundry Association is a member of WFO

Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44000 Sisak, Croatia

Application / Data update form

Physical entities

    Employment data


    *By signing this form You voluntarily accept to disclose Your personal information to The Croatian Foundry Association (FCA/HULJ) for purposes of collection and management. The Croatian Foundry Association is obliged to collect and manage personal information of it’s members in compliance with The Law on Assicoations published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatian (OGRC) no. 74/14, in compliance with The Law on Protection of Personal Information (OGRC no. 103/03) and in compliance with The General Regulation of the European Parliament and Counsel no. 2016/679 (GDPR). The Croatian Foundry Association will not distribute for commercial purposes, share and provide to third persons any personal data collected from it’s members, as described on the back of this documents.

    **Receive marketing information, offers and promotional materal about products and services from The Croatioan Foundry Association and it’s partners

    Statement of consent for the provision and processing of personal data

    The Croatian Foundry Association (HULJ), as the Manager of the collection of personal data, informs you that your personal data submitted by filling out this application form is collected and will be processed.

    By accepting the Statement, it is considered that you freely and expressly give your consent to the collection and further processing of your personal data provided to the Croatian Foundry Association as a user through the website for the purposes expressly stated here.

    Membership in HULJ is voluntary. In order to achieve member status, the respondent is obliged to provide certain personal data that the Company collects about its members, in accordance with the Associations Act (Official Gazette, No. 74/14). Failure to accept the Statement and/or failure to provide the requested information will result in the rejection of the application form. The provision of other data marked as optional is voluntary and their non-provision has no consequences nor does acceptance into membership depend on them.

    By accepting this Statement and providing your personal data by entering them in the Application Form, it is considered that you agree to their processing. The provided personal data will be processed for the purpose of keeping membership records in accordance with the Law on Associations (Official Gazette 74/14), administration and service management, marketing purposes (delivery of information, offers and promotional materials about the products and/or services of the Association and its partners ).

    We will keep your processed data for the duration of your member status, after which they will be automatically deleted according to the procedures prescribed by the General Regulation (EU) number 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council on the protection of personal data (GDPR). Certain data will be preserved permanently, as archive material of HULJ, but will not be processed or used for any other purpose.

    You can object to the processing of personal data for the stated purposes at any time and revoke the given consent.

    HULJ will handle your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, i.e. the General Regulation (EU) on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR) with the application of appropriate physical and technical security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure, loss or destruction .

    HULJ respects and protects the privacy of its users and website visitors, preserves the confidentiality of your personal data, and prevents access and communication of your personal data to any third party, except for its employees and Processors for the implementation of basic activities related to the Company’s activities. Your personal data cannot be communicated to third parties without your prior express consent, except:

    The manager of the collection of your personal data is HULJ.

    At any time, you can get an overview of your personal data that is being processed, and request correction, modification or addition of data by contacting the HULJ secretariat.

    At any time, you have the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory and/or management board of HULJ at the address: Aleja narodne heroja 3, 44000 Sisak or by e-mail.

    You can withdraw/revoke your consent for data processing at any time, in whole or in part, without compensation or explanation, or withdraw it and request the cessation of the processing of your personal data and marketing activities aimed at you. You can submit the revocation of consent by mail to the postal address of HULJ or by e-mail.