Pro Labor d.o.o.

Pro Labor d.o.o.
Podvin 20, 3310 Žalec,
Slovenia, Europe
Mestni trg 7a, 3310 Žalec,
Slovenia, Europe
Company Pro Labor d.o.o. was founded by a team with various valuable experiences, high know-how level and high personal motivation to contribute to fields of heavy industry which has been creating Slovenian (and foreign) economical past, present and will be a big part of the future too. Heavy industry is providing numerous jobs in Slovenia and abroad for several centuries and is a very important piece of the puzzle for every country GDP contribution. We recognised a need on the market for unique and customer personalised approach for problem solving. Combination of personalised approach and scientific background experiences from the field, proved to be a successful formula for our clients. Since we strongly believe in a social responsibility and sustainability, our work adds value to our clients also in these fields which are of course also connected to short- and long-term results. Our services and products not only bring better results but also contribute to development of social responsibility and sustainable direction for our clients. Along the way of our development, we closely monitor needs on the market, so we adapted and added our service portfolio also to some different areas which are supported with knowledgeable experts on the field. We are greatly aware of the challenges that await in the future, so we position ourselves as a partner who can help and grow together with a client. We are driven with facts and KPI’s and our goal is to develop long-term and partner relationships. Being a company in heavy industry also brings responsibility to maintain or to higher up the level of reputation for heavy industry in general. It is a very important aspect in our mission as a company.
Fields of work
Digitalization industry 4.0
We are specialized in digitalization of heavy industry and production companies.
Process optimisation
Highly technological hard data supported optimization of your projects
For thermographic examination, we use several of the most powerful thermographic cameras
Circular economy
Pro Labor is a strong advocate for circular changes in our economy and society