12 th Scientific – Expert Seminar in Sisak
November 22 2019
University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy, Croatian Foundry Association and Croatian Chamber of Economy County Chamber Sisak organize one-day 12th Scientific – Expert Seminar entitled as:
“Moulding and core technologies in foundries”
The seminar will be held on November 22nd, 2019 in the premises of the Croatian Chamber of Economy County Chamber Sisak, Kranjčevićeva 16, Sisak, Croatia.
In order to strengthen the competitiveness of the economy, important parameters are development of a strategic and legislative framework for strengthening the competitiveness of the economy, specialization in sectors, improving the business climate and the development of business infrastructure, promotion and branding of priority sectors, promoting foundry as a desirable investment branch with a pro-active approach to investments, supporting development and implementation of new financial mechanism to support the economy, strengthening industry’s excellence and encouraging cooperation between public, private and scientific-research sector for the development and appliance of innovations and new technologies.
The aim of the Seminar is to demonstrate creating added value in the foundry sector with attractive lectures from the implementation of the collaboration segments. Topic will be related to the state of the art in foundry industry, recent moulding and core materials and technologies and state and perspective of the Croatian Foundry Association. Exchanging experience will contribute to creating a vision of development, identifying competitive advantages and setting the strategic priorities of each participant / company at this Seminar.
Given the relevance of the themes and the economic significance of the interested subjects, it would be a pleasure if you find an interest and accept the Invitation for an active contribution to the Seminar with a lecture of interest.
More information about the event is available at following links:
- www.simet.unizg.hr
- www.crofoundry.simet.hr
- www.castingpoint.simet.hr
If you need any additional information do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail: foundry@simet.hr.