Exoterm – IT
EXOTERM-IT d.o.o. is among the leading and biggest producers and suppliers of auxiliary materials for foundries and metallurgy in Central and South-East Europe. With our products and services based on highly professional, researching and creative work, we offer optimal solutions ensuring quality metallurgy and foundry products. We are proud of our business cooperation with our partners, to whom we supply not only our products but also complete technical support in the development of foundry technology.
The EXOTERM-IT d.o.o. product range:
- Production and sale of auxiliary materials for foundry and metallurgy industry:
· Water and alcohol-based coatings for sand moulds and cores,
· Exothermic mixtures and anti-piping compounds in powder,
· Thermal insulating materials for covering steel casting ingot moulds,
· Recarburisers, inoculants and ferroalloy for grey cast iron and ductile iron,
· Coatings for die casting and chill casting,
· Products for moulding and core making (adhesive for cores and moulds, additives for CO2 process, release agents, fortification coatings and other products).
- Agency:
· MAGMA GmbH, Computer simulation of mounding and setting processes with the MAGMASOFT®software
· Tribo-Chemie, Forging lubricants and release agents
· Henschke GmbH, Graphite electrodes for metallurgic industry
Telephone: 00386 4 2770 700
E-mail: komerciala@exoterm.si or exoterm@exoterm.si
Website: https://www.exoterm.si/en/