Topomatika doo – Your partner for 3D digitization, precise measurements and material testing
We specialize in the sale of top measuring systems and devices:
3D scanners from the renowned manufacturer

The highly qualified team of TOPOMATIKA d.o.o. provides installation, service and regular maintenance of all our systems, and we also offer:
displacement and deformation analysis services
If you are looking for top equipment and professional support to improve your production, contact us!

TOPOMATIKA three-dimensional scanning, optical measuring systems and computer processing d.o.o.
OIB / VAT: HR 51475743156
Headquarters, measuring laboratory and office:
Industrijska ulica 3, Novaki
HR-10431 Sveta Nedelja
Tel: +385 1 3496 010; Fax: +385 1 5999 722
Tehnološki park Varaždin
Zagrebačka 89, HR-42000 Varaždin
Info and sales:
Digitalization service:
Deformation 3D analysis: