Metallurgical Faculty Career Day
December 6 2020At the beginning of December 2020, the Croatian Foundry Association attended the Career Day of the Faculty of Metallurgy in Sisak, University of Zagreb. We introduced ourselves after the introductory speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Assoc. Zdenka Zovko Brodarac and the directors of the branch associations of the metal industry, electrical industry, energy of the Croatian Association of Employers Marija Šutina.
Given the situation with the pandemic, the complete event was organized online through Microsoft Teams.
We are pleased that this event was also attended by our members of the company Impol – TLM and Ferro-preis, who introduced themselves to their potential future employees.
Considering that this year is also the sixtieth anniversary of the Faculty of Metallurgy, we send a lot of greetings and congratulations from the Association !

Metallurgical Faculty