Seminar Successful
March 1 2024
Organized by the Croatian Foundry Association , and with the support of HGK Zagreb and the Varaždin County Chamber, the companies Elkem and Metal Product, and the patronage of the City of Varaždin and Varaždin County, it was held on February 29. & 01.03.2024. year in Varaždin, at Hotel Turist, an extremely successful and more attended than last year’s two-day international scientific and professional seminar entitled:
During the first day, a visit was organized with about 70 interested persons to the MIV dd foundry, at both of their locations. After the aforementioned visit, the Croatian Foundry Association organized a dinner with live music and socializing for approximately 90 members and non-members of the Association. At the beginning of the second day of the Seminar, which gathered a total of 153 experts from the field of foundry; metallurgists, chemists and others from various related professions and activities from 9 European countries, the Vice President of the Association Dragutin Ulama greeted the guests with suitable words, and then the President of the Varaždin County Chamber – HGK,, addressed the attendees. Dragutin Gložinić, and Deputy Mayor of the City of Varaždin, Miroslav Marković, and Krunoslav Lukačević, representative of the Prefect of Varaždin County. The President of the Croatian Foundry Association, Milorad Vasilić, also greeted all those present and officially opened the Seminar.
A series of twenty interesting, commercial and professional lectures began with an introductory presentation by Mr. Goran Šaravanja from the Sector for Industry and Sustainable Development, HGK Zagreb. In our Program, you can see all the names of lectures and presenting companies. After all the lectures, with short planned breaks for refreshment and a break from dedicated work, a special lunch was held with socializing.
We hereby thank all sponsors of our Seminar, all presenters and attendees. We are proud to have gathered as many as 24 foundries from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia.
Below you can see a sequence of photos from the entire event, as well as certain impressions about it.
Photo gallery
First day: Visit to MIV dd foundry, dinner and socializing

Second day: lectures, lunch and socializing


I would personally suggest scheduling the Seminar for Wednesday – Thursday.

Excellently organized Seminar. The two-day duration of the Seminar turned out to be a good decision. The general impression is that everyone felt good.

Kudos to the organizers. Excellent seminar.

I congratulate you on the excellent organization of the Seminar. The ambience and atmosphere were very positive.
The overall impression is beyond expectations. Thank you.
Kind regards.

I had a little talk with my team about the last Seminar and I must honestly tell you that we were very impressed by it.
The location of the Seminar and its organization was at a very high level.
This type of “getting together” is a great opportunity to learn new things and also to meet new people from the world of our business.
A visit to a foundry and familiarization with all its branches can always be useful, especially for us, manufacturers of models and model equipment.
Through the lectures, we had the opportunity to hear and see a lot of different thinking, new technologies and future predictions related to our profession.
We would highlight the presentation of Mr. Goran Šaravanja from HGK, where we had the opportunity to hear firsthand the situation of foundry in Croatia and Europe.
We support this kind of work and you can count on our participation in the future.
Kind regards,

I want to sincerely thank you for the invitation and organization of the Seminar. We visited a respectable foundry, exchanged experiences, contacts and all together learned something new. I am glad that foundry in Croatia is maintained at a satisfactory level and that you are fighting to keep it that way. I am especially pleased that colleagues from Bosnia and Herzegovina were also present, and that colleagues there are also fighting to keep this industry from dying out. Judging by the number of participants, which is significantly higher than last year, you raised the Seminar to a higher level. It is very nice to see that, in addition to Portorož and Varaždin, there is a representative Seminar.
I wish you to continue like this and best regards from Kovis Livarna.

I commend my colleagues on the successfully organized international scientific and professional seminar. A welcome novelty this year is the organized visit to Metalska industrija Varaždin d.d. It is always good to exchange experiences with colleagues from industry and hear news from colleagues engaged in scientific work. I hope that the Croatian Foundry Association will continue the good practice of organizing seminars of this type next year.
Kind regards,

We ensured the acquisition of new business contacts and expressed hope for future cooperation. Overall, the Seminar was outstanding and useful for our group.
We thank the MIV company for the insight into production and the Croatian Foundry Association for the hospitality and the opportunity to learn and connect.
Best regards

My impressions from the seminar are very positive. I was present at all the presentations and I can say that each one had its own “charm” or interest, and it doesn’t matter if it was commercial or professional. If I had come already on Thursday, I would have had more time for informal conversations, because among the participants of the seminar there were many experts who deal with the issues that interest me. As a result of my presentation, several participants visited me, with whom we shared some experiences and suggestions for solving the problem of porosity on castings. The organization of the seminar was also at an appropriate level and I wish you all the best regarding the organization and the participants in the following scientific professional seminars.

thank you for organizing a great seminar.

A very successful event with interesting lectures.
Thank you for the good foundry conference and your commitment to making it a success…
Mit freundlichem Gruß

Seminar in Varaždin organized by Croatian Foundry Organization, is very convenient platform for foundry community in Croatia and abroad partners, to meet together and to discuss actual topics within the foundry industry sector. Both, iron based and light metals. Professional lectures combined with foundry visit and backstage discussions, in suitably selected environment in Varaždin town, seems a right mix, just like a well prepared moulding sand.

I thank you for this year’s invitation on behalf of the Association for the Promotion of the Protection of People in the Working and Living Environment of Međimurje County. The international seminar was well organized with a series of attractive lectures, presentations of technologies in the foundry industry that included the protection of people in the working environment and the living environment. I wish you much success in your further work and the organization of similar seminars, I look forward to further cooperation.
Seminar programme
List of individual participants
Companies and institutions