Visit to the SJI foundry in Slavonski brod
June 22 2024On Friday 14.06. In 2024, the Croatian Foundry Association organized a one-day visit to the SJI foundry in Slavonski Brod for its 46 members and associates. We were greeted by cheerful hosts together with director Vincent Dosmas, who extended their hospitality to us.
Director Vincent Dosmas emphasized that they have a total of 400 employees in SAINT JEAN INDUSTRIES doo. The foundry is privately owned, and the capital of the business entity is 100% financed by foreign capital, and in the previous period the amount of the capital did not change.
They are extremely proud of their development and investments in equipment and knowledge so far because, according to the director, they have reached the pinnacle in the world of suppliers of aluminum castings and components, not only in the automotive industry, but also in industries such as transport and electrical construction in cooperation with the companies Alstom and Pomagalski.
After exchanging experiences, we divided into four groups to tour the facility. All present were extremely satisfied with what they saw, and at the end we thanked the director and colleagues for the unforgettable welcome and hospitality. We invited them to be our guests at new opportunities to visit other foundries. The director expressed his promise that he will continue to follow us in our work.
After the visit to the foundry, we had a joint lunch (also organized by the Association) in the “Jelen” restaurant, where we discussed the impressions from the foundry as well as the future work plans of the Association. Enriched with new knowledge, we all came back satisfied and happy, and here in a small gallery we send you a little atmosphere during our travels and visits.
Thanks once again to our hosts, Saint Jean Industries doo foundry