Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44000 Sisak, Croatia
Organized by the Croatian Foundry Association , and with the support of the Zagreb Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Varaždin...
MENTOR AG was recently commissioned to find an investor for the insolvent steel and stainless steel foundry Bischoff Werke GmbH....
The CAEF – European Foundry Association – Commission for Economics & Statistics is pleased to present the latest edition of...
Contact: Andreja Horvat METAL REŠETAR d.o.o. Ivana Turka 16a, 10 292 Šenkovec Mob: +385 95 330 7372 e-mail:
On September 26, 2024, the 13th working meeting of the Management Board of the Croatian Foundry Association was held according...
The Slovenian Foundrymen Society, in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering from Ljubljana and the Faculty of...
Assessment of difficulties and/or advantages in the business of Croatian foundries: In 2023. from middle of Year, Croatian foundries are...
Representatives of the Croatian Foundry Association (CroFa) and the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (CCE) held a multi-hour joint meeting on...
Dear colleagues, to all of you who participated with data from the foundries, a big thank you. We managed to...
I am happy to share with you some information regarding the WFO Young Researchers Conference 2024 which took place in...
On Friday 14.06. In 2024, the Croatian Foundry Association organized a one-day visit to the SJI foundry in Slavonski Brod...
Croatian Foundry Association organize two-day Scientific-Expert Seminar Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in the 21 st century in Hotel Trakošćan, on...
In the period from 16.-17. May 2024, the 9th Innovation Exhibition Ivanić-Grad (I3G) was held in Ivanić-Grad, organized by the...
The 66th Annual Assembly of the Croatian Foundry Association was organized and successfully held on May 10, 2024. in Čakovec,...
Dear colleagues, the Croatian Foundry Association (CroFa) is organizing a professional and educational visit to the foundry: Saint Jean industries...
19. - 20. lipanj 2024. Adresa hotela: Radisson Blu Plaza, Bratislavska cesta 8, Ljubljana, 1000, Slovenija
The 66th Assembly of the Croatian Foundry Association will be heldon 10.05.2024. (Friday) starting at 11:00 a.m., at the Castellum...
From Hongchao Liu from Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Society (FICMES), the organizer of the 75th World Foundry Congress (WFC...
Organized by the Croatian Foundry Association , and with the support of HGK Zagreb and the Varaždin County Chamber, the companies Elkem...
On 09.02.2024. The 12th working meeting of the Management Board of the Croatian Foundry Association was held according to the attached...
Croatian Foundry Association organize Scientific-Expert Seminar, in TURIST hotel, at the address Aleja kralja Zvonimira 1, 42 000, Varaždin, Croatia on 1st...
On the 24th of November 2023, the 11th working meeting of the Management Board of HULj was held according to...
Once again, the CAEF – The European Foundry Association – Commission for economics & statistics has compiled a statistical annual...
Members of the Croatian Foundry Association will participate in ARCA in 2023! And what is ARCA?
Thank you very much to all of you that finally were able to attend in person or online our last...
We are pleased to announce another successfully implemented activity of our Association; an extremely high-quality and interesting visit to our...
In the period from September 13 to 15, 2023, members of the Croatian Foundry Association participated in the 63rd International...
Last year, the Croatian Foundry Association organized a visit to the foundry in Szeged. We continue to be active...
Here you can see and download pdf file with the data for 2022 compared with earlier years 2022 Statistics (pdf,...
In total, 23 foundries of various sizes contacted us with data from their production for 2022. Year. This represents a...
On 06.07.2023. in the premises of the Ferro-Preis foundry in Čakovec, we held our tenth consecutive meeting of the Association’s...
The Croatian Foundry Association (CroFa) has provided plane tickets as well as travel expenses from the airport to hotel accommodation...
The annual and at the same time the Electoral Assembly of the Croatian Foundry Association was organized and successfully held...
The Croatian Foundry Association will on 25.05.2023. hold its Electoral Assembly of the management of the Association. We invite new...
Dear members,we offer You the possibility of renting the office space of the Association. Members have the advantage. It needs...
The ninth meeting of the Management Board of the Croatian Foundry Association was held on April 13, 2023 at 1...
In the organization of the Croatian Foundry Association, and with the support of HGK Zagreb and the County Chambers of...
After the successfully organized visit to the foundry in Szeged (Hungary) in July 2022, the Croatian Foundry Association, after examining...
Please send us the completed attached form as soon as possible so that we can assess the overall situation in...
A presentation on 3D optical scanning and 3D printing was held at the initiative of CroFa and our partner Metalska...
Assessment of difficulties and/or advantages in the business of Croatian foundries: In 2021, unlike 2020, it was easier to organize...
Croatian Foundry Assotiation announces Scientific – Professional Seminar entitled: “PRODUCTION OF IRON AND AL ALLOY CASTINGS IN SAND AND PERMANENT...
The association enters the new year with a new letterhead! The design was made by Viktor Bublić , who also created the...
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the relevant data in unique depth and breadth. In addition to these data,...
On September 29, 2022. the 8th working meeting of the CroFa Management Board was held according to the attached Invitation,...
A total of 19 HR foundries of various sizes participated this year for data from 2021. The most so far...
After several postponements due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the Croatian Foundry Association organized a visit to FOUNDRY SZEGED LTD.,...
Trier / Jünkerath, 10.05.2022:Vulcast Germany GmbH (formerly Ergocast) from Jünkerath (Eifel/ Germany) has filed an application for the opening of...
As planned, the 64th regular Assembly of the Croatian Foundry Association was successfully held on April 21, 2022. in the...
64. Redovna izborna Skupština Hrvatskog udruženja za ljevarstvo će se održati 21. 04. 2022. godine. Mjesto održavanja: restoran Zelenjak -...
Date 02.04.2022. The 7th working meeting of the Management Board of HULj was held according to the attached Invitation, and...
International Scientific-Expert Seminar held at Metallurgical faculty in Sisak on 18th of February with the main topic: “Safety, occupational health...
University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy, Croatian Foundry Association and Croatian Chamber of Commerce County Chamber Sisak organize one-day 13...
Lüdinghausen, 17.12.2021: For economic reasons, the management of Bischoff Stahl- und Edelstahlguss GmbH (‚BISCHOFF‘) had to file for insolvency proceedings...
On December 17, 2021, the 6th working meeting of the CroFa Management was held according to the attached Invitation. We...
Starting from the 2022 edition, Senaf will organize Metef, the historic international exhibition dedicated to aluminum owned by Veronafiere and...
Every other year, the prestigious A + A World Fair is held, presenting the latest achievements in the field of...
On 24th September 2021 the 5th working meeting of the HULj Management was held according to the attached Invitation. The...
After a lot of years without any direct data from foundries about production (kg) in R. Croatia, we publish first...
September 15 – 17 2021, Slovenia An international conference for foundries was held which was attended by approximately 300 participants,...
The 19th International Foundry Conference entitled Humans – Valuable Resource for Foundry Industry Development was held in Split from 16...
October 16-20, 2022 BEXCO, BUSAN, Republic of Korea Details in official publication.
On May 6, 2021, the 1st Professional Seminar was held, organized by the Croatian Foundry Association. Thanks to all participants!
Coference programme with all additional informations.
On 15 April 2021, the Croatian Foundry Association and the Association for the Promotion of the Protection of People in...
Due to unforseen circumstances some of our originally planned members presentations will take place on different occasion. Please note the...
On 24.03.2021. year, cooperation was established between HULJ (Croatian Foundry Association) and UPZMZ (Association for the Promotion of Protection of...
Humans – Valuable Resource for Foundry Industry Development” 19th INTERNATIONAL FOUNDRYMEN CONFERENCE – Split, June16th-18th, 2021
63rd electoral Assembly was held on 11th of february 2021 by phone, from 10 to 12 am. Points of order...
We are pleased to inform you that the Croatian Foundry Association has recently established the first joint cooperation with Metef...
After a lot of years without any direct data from foundries about production (kg) in R. Croatia, we publish first...
We are pleased to inform you that the next edition of Metef, the international exhibition dedicated to the aluminium, foundry...
At the beginning of December 2020, the Croatian Foundry Association attended the Career Day of the Faculty of Metallurgy in...
62. The Assembly of CroFa, also the Electoral Assembly, was held by e-mails in the period from 01.11.2020. to 13.11.2020....
Special Assemby of Assotiation was held in Metallurgical Faculty in Sisak, on 25th of August 2020. PDF with the record...
With the occurrence of the Corona virus, the Government of the Republic of Croatia made a quarantine decision between a...
Following the unfortunate events that have plagued us with the expansion of COVID-19 and the projection of events and in...
The 61st Annual Meeting of the Croatian Foundry Association was held on February 21 (Friday), 2020 at 11 am at...
12.12. 2019 – Thursday, at 14.00, was held at Ferro-preis foundry, T. Bratković 2, Čakovec, with the following agenda: AGENDA:...
On 11/22/2019. 12th SCIENTIFIC – EXPERT SEMINAR was held in Sisak under the title: “Technologies for production of molds and...
During the 12th SCIENTIFIC – EXPERT SEMINAR in Sisak, entitled: “Technologies for the production of molds and cores in foundries”,...
Dear colleagues, as a member of WFO Croatian Foundry Association attended on 20.09.2019. at a joint meeting of WFO members...
Considering that all of us in Croatia have been plagued by a lack of quality workers in recent years, the...
Part of the Board of the Croatian Foundry Association, led by President Milorad Vasilic attended the“The WORLD FOUNDRY ORGANIZATION –...
photo: Viktor Bublić University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy, Croatian Foundry Association and Croatian Chamber of Economy County Chamber Sisak...
Take a look at the most recent videos with Metallurgical faculty activities!
It was held on 06.09.2019 – Friday, at 15.00, Kumrovec, “DUNI” non-ferrous foundry, Josip Broz Street 50, with the following...
The Croatian Foundry Association continue to pursue its activities. We have created our new poster with which we will continue...
It was held on 06.06.2019. – Thursday at 09.00 Zagreb, Froudeova Street 9, with following suggested timetable: ANALYSIS OF THE...
During the 18th IFC, on May 16, 2019, during the Round Table in the period from 13.30 to 14.00, the...
18th International Founrdymen Conference is being held in Sisak, 15th- 17th of May 2019. You can download complete programme an...